Your 9–5 Is Not Your Problem.

But Your Routine Is.

Rossye P.
7 min readDec 9, 2020

How to be successful, to complete every task, to be productive, to achieve any goal, and fulfill every dream? How to be a caring partner, a friend who is always there for advice and problem-solving stuff? How to be happy and feel fulfilled and satisfied with life? How to make more money and invest it in the things you love? How to be the best version of yourself and be worthy and significant on this planet? How to live life to the fullest?

The answer is simple.
Daily routine.

My daily routine is extremely simple and easy to follow. After long research, trying different time intervals, techniques, exercises, and tips, I decided to implement everything available on the market. The more, the better, right? Because I want to be successful. I want to show everybody that a 9–5 job cannot stop me from being that person. The go-getter. The hustler.

Look at yourself in the mirror, do you see the potential you have?

Let me show you how I do it.

4:04 a.m. wake up time — the sound of the alarm slightly tickles the eardrums of my ears. I open my eyes, reach out, yawn, and look out at the starry sky jutting out of the window. I don’t lie down because staying in bed is for the losers. But for me — I am all about the hustle. I make my bed and my first task of the day is complete.

4:06 a.m. first things first — I brush my teeth with a bamboo toothbrush and naturally ecologically produced toothpaste from charcoal and Himalayan salt, I relieve my needs in the toilet using environmentally friendly biodegradable toilet paper, comb my hair with bamboo sticks and undress completely naked.

4:10 a.m. naked morning yoga — real purification and liberation of the consciousness. I feel every wave of air touching my tender body, I shiver. In my room are just me, the bed, a cupboard, and a yoga mat. Everything is so clean and simple, minimalistic.

4:32 a.m. — I put on a legging, a T-shirt and I grab the headphones. Time to do some life-changing work.

4:35 a.m.running — I go out for a one-hour cross. During this time I listen to both Ty Dolla Sigh’s newest album and “Whatcha Gonna Do with That Duck?” by Seth Godin audiobook. After all, how could I choose which of the two things to listen to when music is my soul and knowledge is a relentless pursuit? I just cannot.

5:40 a.m.shower time — I enter the bathroom and take three showers in a row: the first one, very hot, to remove any evidence from the sweat, using, of course, handmade ecological, according to natural norms soap with the scent of a wild forest; then I switch to the second one, with the coldest temperature I can bear, to discharge my mind and free up the unnecessary scenarios in my head; then another switch to the third one — normal temperature to acclimatize my body. Did I mention that the soup that I am using is vegan and cruelty-free? Because is important.

6:03 a.m.meditation o'clock —Breathe in. Breathe out. I meditate for about half an hour, as I need a little more purification of the spirit and my consciousness, as well as reaching more intimate and mysterious levels of my subconscious. As you may have guessed, I meditate naked. I would not want anything to interfere with the flow of energy that my body accumulates.

6:35 a.m.breakfast — avocado toast and boiled eggs. The water from the boiled eggs is used for my morning tea a.k.a a booster. I eat everything as slow as possible, counting while chewing every bite giving the necessary respect and enjoyment to the nutritional values ​​that my body absorbs.

7:01 a.m.writing — I make a list of things I am grateful for. List of things I need to do today. List of things I want to achieve this month. I write my Morning Pages. I fill in all those to-do lists, journals, planners with ideas on which I work tirelessly until the achievement of each goal, task, desire, whim is done. I’m a hustle for life.

7:43 a.m.reading — I spend about twenty minutes reading because my eyeballs need this kind of exercise, you feel me? As I read, I train my balance too, so I stand like a flamingo in the middle of my minimalist room, with my hand outstretched in the air. Alternate left foot with a right hand and vice versa to excellent my coordination, posture, and balance whilst I am holding my book.

08:02 time — everyone in the house is awake and getting ready for work, but I don’t pay attention to them, because I have to go to work. Literally to go. On my own. Walking down the streets. Whether it’s 60 degrees outside or a snowstorm is hitting, I walk to work. During this time, of course, I continue to be as productive as possible, listening to two audiobooks at a time while walking and recording my ideas for books, articles, travel, gifts, all those things that excite my mind. Also, I reply to my friends’ messages and browse through social networks. You know, multitasking baby?

08:43 a.m. — I’m already in the office. I make myself a hot green tea, review the email, both my personal and my business one. Then I start working, but since my job involves a lot of organizing, planning, and allocating tasks, I have the opportunity to listen to music, audiobooks, and podcasts. Nothing can’t stop me from developing myself. Even at work, I don’t betray my productivity. In those moments when I use the toilet, I read articles, write and respond to comments, and keep up the productivity flow. During the lunch break, I watch YouTube whilst I am eating a green, rich in vitamins, fiber, and minerals salad with quinoa. I am pushing myself to drink at least three liters of fluid, alternating teas, detox water with lemon, and plain water every hour.

6:02 p.m. — the working day may end, but my productivity does not. After all, I want to be successful and live life to the fullest. That’s why I change into sports clothes, I put my backpack on my back and, I run a sprint to my home. Since my speed is almost twice as fast as my morning run, I run the audiobook at a different speed as well, x1.5. Just because I am smashing it. *blink*

6:34 p.m. — I go into the bathroom, take a shower with my lovely handmade eco-friendly, according to natural norms soap with the scent of a wild forest, then prepare a healthy dinner while having a short but informative and useful conversation with my family. This is the only time I spend with them due to my personal development and goal achieving schedule. I have no spare time to waste. Here we’re doing some serious stuff.

7:14 p.m. — after a whole day of gathering information, reading articles, listening to books and podcasts, it’s time to write. Again.

8:46 p.m. — I’m ready with the articles, everything is edited and ready to be published.

8:50 p.m.strength training — This is the moment when I have to get rid of the aggression, the bad thoughts, and the tension accumulated from the working day. To do so, I go down to the garage, where I lift weights, move tires, pull ropes, do sit-ups and push-ups, hit the punching bag while screaming my positive affirmations. No pain, no gain. I like to combine physical activity with mental activity, so I save twice as much time to work on myself and get twice as many results to be proud of.

9:38 p.m. — shower number 5. *doesn't it sound like Chanel №5* Do you remember my lovely handmade eco-friendly, according to natural norms soap with the scent of a wild forest? Yeah, I am using it all the time.

9:45 p.m. — protein shake to nourish the muscles and press review to feed the brain.

10:57 p.m.a documentary or TV series — because a little more information is never superfluous, right?

11:46 p.m. — sleeping — as I am aiming to fulfill my life and develop every aspect of it, I am listening to the Learn Spanish While Sleeping podcast.

Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

4:04 a.m — do you hear the nightingale how beautifully is singing? That’s my alarm sound.

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*This article was inspired by an article here on Medium which I had read more than three years ago. I wanted to recreate my own unrealistic and humorous version of the brainwashing routines that people try to follow so strictly.

Life is not a cook-book to follow through, live for the moment.



Rossye P.

Freelance Writer | Minimalist | LOA | Creative & Captivating || Contact me